The seventh season of popular reality television show 'Bigg Boss' kicked off today with 15 contestants, including late actor Rajesh Khanna's partner Anita Advani, Bollywood actress Kajol's sister Tannisha Mukherji and wrestler Sangram Singh.
Bollywood star Salman Khan returned as the host for the fourth time on the show and will play a double role of an "angel and devil" to the inmates of the 'Bigg Boss' house for three months.
Other contestants include actress Pratyusha Banerjee of 'Baalika Vadhu' fame, actor Kushal Tandon, Ratan Rajput, Kamya Punjabi, Hazel Keech and funnyman Rajat Rawail, both seen in Salman starrer 'Bodyguard' along with model-turned-actress Gauhar Khan, VJ Andy and Armaan Kohli.
Dancer Elie Evram, who will be making her Bollywood debut in 'Mickey Virus' and actors and real-life couple Apoorva and Shilpa Agnihotri, have also entered the show this season. This year, the 'Bigg Boss' house has been divided into two sections: 'Heaven' and 'Hell'.
Half the contestants have entered the luxurious part of the house, 'Heaven', while the rest will stay in the underprivileged section, 'Hell'.
Bollywood star Akshay Kumar was seen promoting his upcoming film 'Boss' on the show.
The actor also grooved to the title track of the movie with Salman on stage.