Showing posts with label nazriya nazim police case. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nazriya nazim police case. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nazriya Nazim complains to Commissioner of Police

Chennai: Actor Nazriya Nazim approached the city po­lice commissioner’s offi­ce on Tuesday to officially file a complaint agai­nst the director of the yet-to-be-released Dh­anush movie, Nayyandi, in which she features.

The 19-year-old actor had raised an is­sue by co­mplaining to the Na­digar Sang­am ag­ainst dir­ector Sar­gunam and pro­ducer Muru­ges­an for using a body double in a so­ng sequence, which in­volves skin sh­ow. She had alleged that the ma­kers didn’t ev­en inform her after she re­fused to shoot for the scene, which is ag­ainst her contractual agreement.

Director Sargunam, in a release, denied the allegation and said that they shot the wh­­ole song with Naz­ri­ya.

”While editing the song, we felt that the inc­lu­sion of an intimate cl­o­se-up scene would inc­r­e­ase the impact of the so­ng and I requested Na­zriya, who was in Kerala at that time, to come down and act for this pa­rticular scene for which the actor responded by sa­ying that she can’t co­me all the way from Ke­r­a­la and asked me to sh­oot that particular scene by using a body double,” the release said, adding that the actor was creating a needless issue, probably for publicity.

The director’s statement also said he was re­ady to remove that inti­m­ate close-up shot from the trailer if Nazriya fe­els uncomfortable. “Is she ready to sit with the media and see the film and assert that she hasn’t acted in the Inikka Inikka song?” the release said.